Our interests are closely aligned with the people we serve

Listening to what our member-owners want and need is the most important thing we do every day.

More than a century of farming cooperatively

Key Cooperative’s roots stretch all the way back to 1918, when local farmers pooled their resources to purchase goods and services they needed to run their businesses, and to collectively market their grain. By the 1960s, ag co-ops were purchasing the specialized equipment needed to handle and apply crop nutrients as well as new types of chemical crop protection coming to market.

Today, cooperatives continue to do all of those things, but have evolved even further to become centers for innovation and knowledge-sharing. At Key, serving our member-owners in whatever ways they find most helpful is at the core of everything we do. We use all of the resources at our disposal, including the land grant university system, WinField United Answer Plots, local field trials and industry expertise, to bring proven and profitable strategies right to the farm gate.

We believe strongly in the cooperative system, where profits are reinvested back into the cooperative or returned to our shareholders. There simply isn’t a better business model for aligning the interests of customers—our member-owners—with those who provide the goods and services they need.

Our Leaders - 2025 Board of Directors


Key Cooperative Board of Directors (left to right):

Chris Davidson, Lucas Tjelmeland, Dave Hill, Brian Larsen, Eric Henry, Mike Engbers, Nathan Voight, Bryce Arkema, John Koop, Ryan Bell, Chad Hafkey, Brian Lowry and Todd Van Manen. 

Executive Committee:
Bryce Arkema, President

Pella, Term Ending 2025

Mike Engbers, Vice President
Lynnville, Term Ending 2025

Brian Larsen, Secretary
St. Anthony, Term Ending 2026

Ryan Bell, Treasurer
Newton, Term Ending 2027

Brian Lowry, Assistant Secretary
Searsboro, Term Ending 2026

Chris Davidson, Associate Director
Pella, Term Ending 2025

Chad Hafkey
Grinnell, Term Ending 2026

Eric Henry, Associate Director
Nevada, Term Ending 2025

Dave Hill
McCallsburg, Term Ending 2025

John Koop
Kamrar, Term Ending 2026

Lucas Tjelmeland 
Nevada, Term Ending 2025

Todd Van Manen, Associate Director 
Newton, Term Ending 2026

Nathan Voight
Nevada, Term Ending 2027

The value of cooperatives 

There is much to be admired about the co-op model


For one thing, we understand we’re all in this together 


Farming has always been an inherently risky business. There are simply too many factors out of your control. One way to mitigate risk, however, is to join together with like-minded individuals in an organization whose sole purpose for existence is to help its member-owners succeed. 

We do that not by telling you how to run your business, but by asking what you need in order to run your business more profitably. Whether it’s agronomic services or advice, grain storage and marketing, risk management tools such as crop insurance or grain marketing options, energy purchasing and storage options, or almost anything else you can think of, we are here to serve you. If we don’t have the answers you’re looking for, we’ll find someone who does. It’s how we’ve been doing business for more than 100 years.

Working to make our communities better

contributions to fund specific needs and requests

Community Donations

 Direct, financial contributions to fund specific needs and requests in our communities.

Learn More >

 financial support through the generosity of Land O’Lakes

Land O’ Lakes Matching Grant Program

Local financial support that is doubled through the generosity of Land O’Lakes.

Learn More >

scholarships to deserving students

Community Scholarship Program

Application-based scholarships to deserving students in our area.

Learn More >

 proud to partner with local FFA

Bushels for Ag

Key Cooperative is proud to partner with local FFA chapters to provide a hands-on grain marketing experience.

Learn More >

Customer Support

Get the help you need, when you need it

At Key Cooperative, we think of the relationship between us and our member-owners as an essential business partnership. We know that when our members are successful, we are more likely to be successful as well. Feel free to call us anytime with questions or concerns about any of our products or services, your account, or anything else that’s on your mind. Remember, we are here to serve you.


Automatic Bill Payment

Pay bills at the co-op automatically, directly from your checking account.


Direct Deposit

Deposit money from the co-op directly into your checking or saving’s account.


Credit & Membership Apps

These are the forms you’ll need to apply for membership at the co-op.


Propane Forms

For new propane customers, please fill out this application and return it to any Key location.