Grain marketing is one of the biggest challenges any farmer faces.

Our grain team can help you devise a marketing plan that helps place a floor under your income while allowing you to take advantage of short-term price moves.

Grain Overview

Are you getting the best possible price for your grain?

It often comes down to who you are selling it to

At Key, we have one over-riding objective among our grain team members: to help you make more money on every bushel you sell. No corporate grain buyer is interested in paying you a single penny more for your corn and soybeans than they absolutely have to. Doesn’t matter if it’s a giant grain company, or the local ethanol plant. They make more when you make less.

As a cooperative owned by farmers, on the other hand, our interests are closely aligned with yours. We work for you, and want you to succeed by marketing your crops at the best possible prices. The Key team is in the grain market every single day, and can help you match the bushels you have to sell with buyers who are offering the highest bids at any given time. We can also show you strategies to capture short-term price moves over the course of the growing season, whether you have any actual grain in the bin, or not.


Cash Bids
Barnes City
NameDelivery StartDelivery EndBasis MonthFutures PriceFut. Chg.BasisCash Price
Corn03/01/202503/31/2025May 2025464-40-0-39.00$4.26
Corn04/01/202504/30/2025May 2025464-40-0-38.00$4.27
Corn05/01/202505/31/2025May 2025464-40-0-38.00$4.27
Corn06/01/202506/30/2025Jul 2025471-4-0-4-43.00$4.29
Corn07/01/202507/31/2025Jul 2025471-4-0-4-40.00$4.32
Corn10/01/202510/31/2025Dec 2025451-0-0-4-50.00$4.01
Corn12/01/202512/31/2025Dec 2025451-0-0-4-41.00$4.10
Corn01/01/202601/31/2026Mar 2026463-4-0-4-48.00$4.16
Corn02/01/202602/28/2026Mar 2026463-4-0-4-41.00$4.23
Corn03/01/202603/31/2026Mar 2026463-4-0-4-36.00$4.28
Soybeans03/01/202503/31/2025May 20251004-6-2-4-75.00$9.30
Soybeans04/01/202504/30/2025May 20251004-6-2-4-72.00$9.33
Soybeans05/01/202505/31/2025May 20251004-6-2-4-72.00$9.33
Soybeans06/01/202506/30/2025Jul 20251017-2-2-2-80.00$9.37
Soybeans07/01/202507/31/2025Jul 20251017-2-2-2-76.00$9.41
Soybeans10/01/202510/31/2025Nov 20251004-6-1-6-75.00$9.30
All grain prices are subject to change at any time. Cash bids are based on 10-minute delayed futures prices, unless otherwise noted. Prices current as of 01:19 AM CDT - Provided by Barchart

Copyright © 2025. All market data is provided by Barchart Solutions.

Futures are at least 10 minutes delayed. Information is provided 'as is' and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice. To see all exchange delays and terms of use, please see disclaimer.


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Grain Contracts & Marketing

Run your operation at its most profitable level

Our grain marketing solutions involve much more than grain bids posted online. We’re here to guide you, and you’ll deal with people you know and trust. We offer grain contracts at Key Cooperative for both old and new crop bushels and our grain team will assist you in making the right decision for your financial goals. Contact your local risk management specialist to learn more about contract options.

Discount Schedule & Policies

Disposition of Grain

The driver will provide the scale operator with the grain owner’s name, division of the grain, notify the scale operator on the last load and disposition of the grain (store, sell, condo storage, etc). All grain will be first applied to any open contracts by location on the 20th day from the date of first delivery. Unpriced grain, which has been held beyond the 20 day limit, will be considered stored with the Average Delivery Date to be considered the deposit date (with appropriate storage-drying shrink rates assessed). A new delivery period will then be started.

Any non-contracted delivered processor grain will be assessed a 1 cent service fee. 

Iowa Indemnity Fund

All priced bushels will be assessed fees according to the Iowa Indemnity Fund. 




UPDATED: 09/13/2024

Crop Insurance

How much is enough?


Our risk managers are here to help


Crop insurance is an important risk management tool every farmer should consider. Purchasing too much insurance is an unnecessary expense, and too little can leave in a bind should planting conditions or weather events during the growing season leave you short a crop. Our crop insurance partners at Mason City All Risk Insurance, Inc. can help you build a level of insurance protection that is right for your farm.

Grain Team